
Distributors Welcome

Distributors Welcome

Click on the “Distributor Opportunities” Tab to Learn More on how you can grow your business with GSP’s extensive product line for various industries and applications.

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SPFA 2017

This year at Spray Foam Convention 2017 (Palm Springs, California) Global Specialty Products USA, Inc.  manufacturer of environmentally safe, non-hazardous, non-HAPs, non-flammable Isocyanate – Polyurethane Foam Cleaners and RESIN REMOVERS / “GREEN Chemistry”. Will be presenting Products specifically for flushing or immersion cleaning of Spray Foam, Coatings and Resin Equipment.   Products...

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This year at INFO*FLEX 2014 (Baltimore, MD – Booth 624), Global Specialty Products USA ( will be featuring INK & ADHESIVE Cleaning Solutions (both Solvent & Aqueous Technologies) including Anilox Roll Cleaners, and Degreasing...

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D-BOND™ Adhesive Remover

  Is an Environmentally Sensible, non-hazardous, non-flammable adhesive remover.  It removes (Reactive Hot Melt Polyurethane Adhesive, High Performance Adhesives, Composite Bonding, Glass Glue Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate Adhesives, Epoxy &, Vinyl Ester Adhesives, Pigmented Gel Coats, High & Low Solid Aliphatic, Waterborne Epoxy Primers, Acrylic Paints, Varnish and Alkyd Enamel, Latex...

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Solo RI ™ – Long Term Carbon Steel Corrosion Inhibitor

  Prevents corrosion (formation of oxide on Cast IRON & STEEL exposed to the atmosphere at both ambient an elevated temperature). Prevents uniform general attack and tarnishing, as well as, complex reactions such as pitting, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion, etc. It is also applicable in closed cooling systems ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – NON FLAMMABLE – BIODEGRADABLE: No...

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