Product Applications
Cleaning and Degreasing
Polyurethane Foam Removers
Resin Removers
Ink & Adhesive Removers
PVC Wire and Cable Cleaners
Rust Inhibitors
Paint Strippers
Defluxers & Rosin Removers
USA Manufactured
Manufactured in the USA, Global Specialty Products – USA, Inc. specializes in environmentally safe, ozone friendly, non-hazardous aqueous (zero VOC) & solvent-based (low rate of evaporation) industrial.
People & Profitability go hand-in-hand.
Going Green
Continuing Motto: “Safer products for a greener environment”
The roots of Global Specialty Products – USA, Inc.’s environmental heritage go back to years of experience in replacing highly hazardous and toxic chemicals.
Welcome to GSP USA, Inc.
Global Specialty Products – USA, Inc. offers a complete and diverse line of Environmentally Safe Alternative Cleaners with a primary goal of replacing highly hazardous and toxic chemicals. Our “Environmental Improvement Process” continually minimizes the environmental impact of daily operations, including waste minimization programs. We strive for safer alternatives, highly performance driven and cost effective products. Total customer satisfaction, innovative environmental solutions, dynamic response and quality will remain our firm policy.