Welcome to GSP USA, Inc.

Posted by on Sep 15, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

Welcome to GSP USA, Inc.

Global Specialty Products USA, Inc. Is Revolutionizing Industrial Cleaners

U.S. based manufacturer Global Specialty Products USA, Inc.(GSP USA) has addressed the industrial markets need for environmentally safe, non-hazardous cleaners that are worker-friendly, high performing, and safe alternatives for Acetone, MEK, Methylene Chloride, NMP and many other highly hazardous and toxic chemicals. The company is committed to creating a cleaner environment by supplying advanced quality industrial cleaning products anchored with strong technical and customer support.  All products are manufactured in the U.S. and all raw materials suppliers are carefully selected for their high quality ingredients.


After years of research and development, GSP USA’s first generation products have gone through rigorous tests, plant trials, and have been proven in the field to be excellent replacements for hazardous solvents with great features and benefits. This has led the company to expand its national distribution network year after year, as well as increase international demand. The company has recently partnered with an equipment cleaning and vacuum distillation supplier to bring a full service package to the market. GSP USA has also developed new generation environmentally safe, reduced – zero VOC, non-Hazardous, non-HAPS, non-Flammable “GREEN” soy-corn based products for multi-purpose industrial cleaning applications.


These products include Fiberglass & Resin Removers, Isocyanates Polyurethane Foam Cleaners, Reactive Hot Melt Polyurethane Adhesive Removers and Performance Adhesives for the following industries:


  • Fiberglass & Resin Fabricators (Corrosion Tank/Pipe, Boat Manufacturers, Ship yards, as well as Fiber Glass Protrusion market);
  • Plastic, Fiberglass & Resin INJECTION MOLD for Marine, Automotive, Aerospace, and many other markets;
  • Isocyanates Polyurethane Foam (Spray Equipment, Roofing Contractors, Converting & Molding – Flexible and Rigid Polyurethane Foam and Urethane Wood-Laminates.)


In addition to these resin removers and polyurethane foam cleaners, GSP USA manufactures both solvent-based and aqueous-based metal degreasers, ink removers, adhesive removers, corrosion inhibitors and paint strippers.  The company has been granted approval for several specs by United Technologies – Sikorsky Aircraft for its cleaning products. 


What gives these engineered cleaning products an edge?


  • Effectiveness (confidently clean polyester, vinylester, epoxy and polyurethane foam &hot melt adhesives)
  • Non-Flammable, non-HAPs (reduced insurance premiums and workerliability)
  • Environmental (easy disposal, recyclable via vacuum distillation, result in wasteminimization)
  • Worker Safety (much safer than Acetone, MEK, Methylene Chloride, NMP, aromatic and aliphatic solvents)
  • Low Rate of Evaporation (whatever product you purchase, you use – for every 5 drums of Acetone / MEK, you will purchase one drum of GSP’s product.)